Adapting The 360 Marketing Route

“360 Marketing” is a term that has been used by many of marketers and business owners. But while it may sound easy, crafting and executing a 360 marketing plan is often confusing.
A 360 marketing plan is about a cohesive message. In simple words, we can say it is a strategy to spread your message across multiple channels and mediums. A successful 360 marketing plan includes the placement of your message, catering to a unique audience of each channel, driving a single message through all the mediums.

It’s not about being everywhere at once, the goal of a successful 360 marketing plan is to reach the current and potential clients and giving them an illusion that your brand is everywhere. So, data plays a very important role in helping you select the channels.

Before creating a selecting the right channels, ask yourselves the following questions:

-> What is your target audience?

-> Where is your target audience spending most of their time?

-> What are the interests that your TG shares?

The next and major step is to determine the message you want to put forward.

Apppl Combine is your one-stop for all your marketing needs. You need not get all intimidated by the thought of creating that 360 marketing strategy for your brand.

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Apppl Combine- Ad Agency

APPPL Combine is a hybrid & innovative fast growing multinational marketing communication agency which operates on a borderless front, having owned offices in Singapore, UK, India and Hong Kong.

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